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Version: 1.6

Command Reference

Aliases: /min

This is the base command, used for most management functions of Minerva. It can be shortened to /min for all commands below.

Generic Commands#

/minerva info
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: /

This command tells the sending player which world they are in, the worlds flags, and a bit of licensing information.

World Commands#

/minerva worlds tp <World> [Player]
Aliases: /wtp, /go, /minerva worlds to, /minerva worlds teleport
Relevant Permissions:, minerva.worlds.<World Name>.visit,,

This command can be used to teleport players (by default yourself) to different worlds. To use the command a player must have the permission and the minerva.worlds.<World Name>.visit, where <World Name> is the name of the target world. To teleport others a player requires the permission. If the victim to be teleported does not have the visit permission, the executing player needs the permission or the command will refuse teleporting.

/minerva worlds load <World>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

This can be used to manually load a world. Notice the world may be automatically unloaded if the sticky flag is not set.

/minerva worlds unload <World>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

This command manually unloads a world. The world may be automatically loaded again, if it has the autoload flag.

/minerva worlds pack <World>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

This packs the specified world into a ZIP file in the <server root>/Export directory.

/minerva worlds create <World>
Aliases: /minerva worlds c
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.create

This creates a flat world with the given name. The command will refuse to create a world if the name is already used.

/minerva worlds rename <Old Name> <New Name>
Aliases: /minerva worlds mv
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.rename, minerva.worlds.manage

Renames the specified world to the specified name.

/minerva worlds copy <Source World> <Target World>
Aliases: /minerva worlds cp
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.copy, minerva.worlds.manage

Renames the specified world to the specified name.

Flag Commands#

/minerva worlds setflag <World> <Flag>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

Used to set a flag on a given world. See below for a list of flags.

/minerva worlds rmflag <World> <Flag>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

Used to remove a flag from a given world. See below for a list of flags.

/minerva worlds lsflags <World>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.worlds.manage

Lists all flags set on a given world. See below for an explanation of flags.

Available Flags#

Arbitrary Flags

Flags can be any string, but only the flags listed below will change the plugin behaviour. Flags are case-sensitive.

stickyThe server autoloads sticky worlds and refuses to ever unload the world.
autoloadAutoload is similar to sticky, but allows worlds to be unloaded, even if they are loaded back on the next housekeeping cycle
unloadspawnBy default the server keeps the spawns of all loaded worlds loaded and simulated. If this flag is set those chunks will be unloaded saving on memory and CPU cycles.

Management Commands#

/minerva passwd <New Password>
Aliases: /
Relevant Permissions: minerva.passwd

Updates the password for Minerva Panel and the API.