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Version: 1.6

Configuration Reference

Not Relevant for Non-Administrators

If you do not administrate your own server you won't have to learn about the configuration syntax. If you'd like anything changed talk to your server administrator, use the available commands, or visit Minerva Panel.

Example Configuration#

autoUnload: trueflags:  world:  - sticky  - autoload  world_nether:  - sticky  - autoload  world_the_end:  - sticky  - autoloadhost_ui: trueapi_server:  port: 9080  bind:  username: admin  password: e8dce8fbf7021bd95ad1540bcc0d9ecb3b272b798cfc7bfa45743e742d1b00116f44b6cda2afa04981a572abddf51ca9139ae990794db9c6050f04ed3043c809  initial_password: '---'  salt: EfLiVkjOcp5MiqKlX7PKmLahup8rgJn5qWpX98QR  secret: Iyhvd7CSmcPaHsdUwXpwD09MCS9NmU6RCxa8bdeyVN2HXSQ69fXc31kkKFZwPrcY4dxUZRrTJCDTKwjuEhHr7iHMXSg9hSj4ppUkhDNmwMAxobcEBPKkT0j2laeOX2qB  issuer: minerva.localuse_alternative_world_directory: falsealternative_world_directory: minerva-worldsmos: true

Main Section#

Type: Boolean
Default: true

This sets the plugin to automatically unload unused worlds (i.e. worlds with no players in them). If enabled worlds can be individually exempt from being unloaded using the sticky and autoload flags. This option should always be kept enabled to keep the server performance up!


See Flags Section

Type: Boolean
Default: true This enables or disables the local webserver, and thus the Minerva Panel and API. Set to true if you want to use the web panel or API.


See API Server Section

Type: Boolean
Default: false

Experimental Feature

This feature is not stable yet, only use in test environments.**

If this is true Minerva will load worlds from the directory specified in alternative_world_directory instead of the server root. This allows to keep the server directory from being bloated with world folders on big servers.

Type: String
Default: minerva-worlds

Experimental Feature

This feature is not stable yet, only use in test environments.**

This specifies the folder Minerva will load worlds from, if alternative_world_directory is set to true. The folder is interpreted as relative from the server root and will be created if it does not exist.

Type: Boolean
Default: true

This enables or disables the Minerva Online Services.

Flags Section#

In this section you can add flags to specific worlds as follows:

flags:  <world name>:  - <flag>

Available Flags#

Arbitrary Flags

Flags can be any string, but only the flags listed below will change the plugin behaviour. Flags are case-sensitive.

stickyThe server autoloads sticky worlds and refuses to ever unload the world.
autoloadAutoload is similar to sticky, but allows worlds to be unloaded, even if they are loaded back on the next housekeeping cycle
unloadspawnBy default the server keeps the spawns of all loaded worlds loaded and simulated. If this flag is set those chunks will be unloaded saving on memory and CPU cycles.

API Server Section#

api_server:  port: 9080  bind:  username: admin  password: e8dce8fbf7021bd95ad1540bcc0d9ecb3b272b798cfc7bfa45743e742d1b00116f44b6cda2afa04981a572abddf51ca9139ae990794db9c6050f04ed3043c809  initial_password: '---'  salt: EfLiVkjOcp5MiqKlX7PKmLahup8rgJn5qWpX98QR  secret: Iyhvd7CSmcPaHsdUwXpwD09MCS9NmU6RCxa8bdeyVN2HXSQ69fXc31kkKFZwPrcY4dxUZRrTJCDTKwjuEhHr7iHMXSg9hSj4ppUkhDNmwMAxobcEBPKkT0j2laeOX2qB  issuer: minerva.local

Type: Number
Default: 9080

The port the internal webserver listenes on. Make sure this port is unused, especially if you are running multiple Minerva-enabled Minecraft servers on one host!

Type: IP-Address

This instructs the webserver only to listen on a specific IP-address. If set to the webserver will listen on all addresses. Set to to only listen on localhost (useful if using a reverse proxy or similar).

Type: String
Default: admin

The username used for authenticating to the web panel or API. Can be changed for extra protection against brute forcing.

Type: SHA-512-Hash
Default: Auto-Generated - Do not change manually

The password field is automatically filled by Minerva. The initial password will be marked down in initial_password. A new password can be set by an operator by typing /minerva passwd <New Password> in-game.

Type: String
Default: Auto-Generated

This will contain the password set by Minerva on first start or --- if the password was changed. Please set a new password using /minerva passwd <New Password> or set this value to "" to prevent accidentally giving someone the password who has access to the config file.

Type: String
Default: Auto-Generated - Do not change manually

This salt is used to enhance the security of the password-hash saved above in case someone gets access to the it.

Type: String
Default: Auto-Generated - Do not change manually

This is the secret used for signing authentication sessions, keep this very confidential, as an attacker who knows this value is able to access the web interface and API.

Type: String
Default: minerva.local

The issuer used for the authentication sessions. This does not need to be changed unless you have some special use case.